Thursday, May 24, 2012

Saturn Return in Libra - Progress Report

For all the current Saturn Return initiates currently experiencing their Return under the sign of Libra - remind yourself that you have almost "graduated" from this intense learning period.

Saturn entered Libra for the first time in October 2009 and leaves for good in October 2012, not to return again for another 29 years.

Saturn went retrograde in Libra in January, for a final sweep out and transformation of the relational patterns that you are trying to balance in a healthier way. By now, you might have gone on to a new phase in your relationships after some tough lessons, or you are busy considering this and could implement your decisions before Saturn goes direct in June.

Divorce, marriage, love triangles, indecision, self-respect, financial stability, health revolutions, creative conundrums.

How are you?