It's not your imagination. It's your Saturn Return.
This is a time like no other. You might wonder why your life has radically changed or why you are in the midst of a storm. When the sum of your life's tensions crescendo into a wild dance, pushing you to the edge of your limits, forcing you to release all that is not in your highest interests.
"One of the most important times in your life. . . a time of endings and new beginnings."
- Astrologer, Robert Hand
- Astrologer, Robert Hand
The Saturn Return is an astrological term for the time when you are approximately 27 - 32 years old. The planet Saturn returns to the same place it was when you were born. Themes of the old cycle end - sometimes dramatically - and a new 30-year cycle begins.
Your main job at this time is to reassess your life and fearlessly walk through the deep tunnel of change. If you're on the wrong track, you're being asked to redirect your life.
Tickets Please
The shenanigans begin around 27 year's of age (heard of the 27 Club??).
28 officially marks the beginning of your new phase, but the transition pains could last to around 32 or 33. It is often referred to as turning 30.
One often takes on a new, big responsibility at 28, marking the end of 'childhood' or you are asked to face the consequences of choices made in the past.

You might get married - which could lead to: harsh relating lessons, growing up quickly and shakedowns of parental patterns passed down, and/or the biggest bliss time of your life. Or maybe it's time for the big messy divorce if you were married earlier in your life. Longterm relationships go through major transformations.
Rejection, acceptance. Cheating, messiness. Re-evaluating what you are willing to tolerate and what kind of person you really are. Major lessons. Establishing boundaries. No more toxic relationships. Emotional graduation. Soul searching. Being distilled down to your essence.
The cosmic reset button is pushed. 'Childhood' karma is over and adult karma begins. You might encounter serious illness or new physical limitation which forces you to change and slow down. There is a message. Listen. If you heed the call, you life could be so much better than before.
Your soul yearns to rebalance. The excesses of youth start to lose their appeal. Knowing your limits helps you to prioritise.
Perhaps a spot of financial bottoming out? Bankruptcy? Some take on the responsibility and joy of children or wish that they were doing so.
SAT•URN1 - The planet sixth in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 74,600 miles (120,000 km), a mean distance from the sun of 886.7 million miles (1427 million km), a period of revolution of 29.46 years, and 21 known moons. It is the second largest planet in the solar system, encompassed by a series of thin, flat rings composed of small particles of ice.
SAT•URN RE•TURN2 - When the planet Saturn returns to the position it was in, in the beautiful sky, when you were born.
Some finally go back to school to learn what their heart is prompting them to. You might wonder what it's all about and realise you don't have forever to change your life into one that is more rewarding. Your 9-5 might be killing you. What will fulfill you? Outline the steps that will take you there. Saturn loves goals.
Speaking of steps...your 28th birthday party could seem strangely like an 'intervention' party. Addictions which have been enslaving you emotionally will peak and die. You are being reborn.
You might decide to finally come out the closet - you are mainlining authenticity. Freedom blossoms.
Sometimes your experience includes the death of someone you loved, profoundly changing you. Who you are in relation to the world changes, because they are not here anymore. Your time here is precious and limited, life is sacred.
Saturn Return in Scorpio: October 2012 - September 2015
Saturn Return in Virgo: September 2007 - July 2010
Perfectionism, not feeling good enough, discipline, going back to basics, self-worth, humbling events, purification, mental and physical health, self-neglect, self-nurturing, workaholism, breaking free from "slavery", alternative healthcare, psychosomatic illness, the body/mind connection, being of service, digestive disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, compulsions.
Saturn Return in Libra: October 2009 - October 2012
Lessons through relationships, equality, justice, make or break time, marriage, fairness, compromise vs. authenticity, Stepford Wives, toxic relationships, shirades, commitment, playing by the rules, reality checks, balance, giving and receiving, assertion, cosmetics, the sugar trade and blood sugar levels.
Childish fantasies are set aside. You realise that you are aging. Grey hairs start to sprout. Suddenly you are not invincible anymore. The passing of time becomes more pronounced, there is a sense of urgency about moving to the next level.
Who are you really? What are you here to do? After facing your dark side, do you choose the light or the dark?
Entering the Tunnel of Change
You might need to move far, far away and start over. You might feel the call to finally do something of importance. Leaving a legacy beckons.
You gain a certain brevity. You make difficult choices. You realise who your friends are. You realise who your friends aren't.
Develop Patience.
Going Inward
After your life has changed dramatically, it is a time of slowing down. Meditate on time. Patience is cultivated. Be still with your choice or difficulty. Learn to put boundaries between you and certain people and realise that 'No' is a beautiful word.
Know Thyself.
You face the consequences of choices made in the past and are called before an earthly tribunal. Not a good time to bury your head in the sand. Dare I say it? "You reap what you sow".
Oh please, it's not all doom and gloom. It just might seem that way at this time. You have been growing wild seeds of unique talent all throughout your 20's even if you didn't know it. Get rid of the riff-raff, the bad habits and the going no-where something or other, so that you can blossom!
Welcome Aboard
The New You beckons. You finally get a chance to shine and put all of your prior experience to good use in a blossoming synthesis of all that you are. You could get the longed for promotion, the lead role in a great play which catapults your profile, the chance to travel and work just like you had been planning for years, or your father hands you the keys to the family business.This is no time for a response that seemed to work in your childhood, you are being asked to step up. Be Courageous. Be Fearless. You are being asked to heal and start anew. You are being asked to take the high road.
You are given the tasks for the next long chunk of time. The mystery of your soul purpose unravels further.
Court Wisdom.
Do not drown. You are much loved and a beautiful soul.
This is a sacred passage, experienced by all. It plays out differently for each unique soul according to your Life Plan or current life choices. Astrology holds the secrets of this life passage beautifully, hidden in plain sight, but there for us when we choose to seek more than what we have been shown.
Dance with fate.
Wisdom Progresses
If you are in your late 50's and early 60's - this is the second Saturn Return. A different flavour than the first but a time of immense change too. Your role is changing in society. Awareness of your mortality is strong. The next generation scuffles for dominance. Come forward, Wise One, you are very much needed.Welcome, Sweet Peaches of Wisdom!
I welcome you all to share your Saturn Return story, or even snippets of it over time. Everyone is welcome!Why does this site exist? Because I wish it had existed when I was going through my Saturn Return. So here it is, for you, with blessings.