Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Wondrous Saturn Return

By Anon from Philadelphia, US

I thought I'd never say this after reading all the negative things about a first Saturn Return, but I'm loving it so far!

I'm currently undergoing a few wicked transits that would make anybody shudder: I have transiting Saturn coming over my natal Pluto, Saturn AND Midheaven. Natal Saturn is in the 10th, with both it and Pluto conjunct my Midheaven.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Saturn Return Ground Floor - Time to Come Out

Dream by Black Cocktail
By Anon from United States

My natal Saturn is at 0° Scorpio. Saturn is about to enter Scorpio. As I write this, I am roughly a two and a half days away from Saturn making its exact conjunction, and part of me wonders if that means my life is about to fall apart.