By Anon from Philadelphia, US
I thought I'd never say this after reading all the negative things about a first Saturn Return, but I'm loving it so far!
I'm currently undergoing a few wicked transits that would make anybody shudder: I have transiting Saturn coming over my natal Pluto, Saturn AND Midheaven. Natal Saturn is in the 10th, with both it and Pluto conjunct my Midheaven.
Career Mojo
CAREER is the major theme for me, and that couldn't be more true!Over the past 4 years, I've attempted to go for higher education (Ph.D and two Master's degrees). Every time, something came up that derailed me from going for a higher degree.
I should have listened to these signs years ago, but my ambition got the best of me. As of today, I am so close to landing the best job I've ever been offered in my life. I'm in the healthcare field (pathology to be exact).
I am "Enough"
I always thought that I had to get all these qualifications in order to do my job, but my bachelor's degree is enough.Once this job finally pulls through (in all likelihood, it will), I will just start settling myself and move upwards within the hospital system.
Pathology is ruled by Pluto and Scorpio, so the time for all this is PERFECT!!
Saturn Sign: Saturn Return in Scorpio
Birthday: 24 September 1983
Interesting - I have a very similar Saturn Return: Saturn (retro) in the 10th house conjunct my MC, with Pluto in the 9th house also conjunct my MC.