Sunday, December 8, 2013

On the Right Track

Name: "Violet"

City: Helsinki, Finland

Themes: Relationship Problems,  Spiritual Illumination,  Healing,  Life Makeover, Career Change,  Relocation

Saturn in Scorpio
Birthday: 19 May 

I am currently in the middle of my first Saturn return. Having been a keen observer of astrology for some years, I started becoming aware of some great changes taking place in my life some time prior my first Saturn return was due to start, so I figured I was somewhat prepared for this pivotal time in human development.

I was born in northern Finland. Ever since being a young girl I used to dream of an escape from the conservative small town that is my home. Such an escape came when I finished comprehensive school and was about to pursue college education, as I was granted an entry to one of the few private colleges in Finland, a day's train journey from my home town. It was a college specialising in expressive arts, and I was over the moon to be following my dream to become an actress.