Monday, April 23, 2012

Bittersweet Saturn Return - Building a Foundation

by Hannah

It seems that Saturn was finishing his tour in my sign, Libra, when I was born (1982). I am finding my Saturn return bittersweet to say the least.

In the last year, I have moved to another part of the country, changed jobs, and started a new relationship. Great and not so great things have gone along with most of this. However, I do feel like I am finally building a foundation and seeing clearly what I really want for my life and being able to identify values, ideals and directions that are actually important to me.

But it isn't easy. At all. The hardest part is the insecurity and having to see some things about myself honestly for the first time. Again, for the good and bad. Please tell me it gets better!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Moved half-way across the world to be with my love of 2 years

by Julie
I've got my sun in Saggitarius, so I jumped on the opportunity to travel half-way around the world with my love of 2 years. When I got there and we moved in together, it became clear really quickly that this relationship was way out of balance and that I was not going to be happy in the long-term.

I felt like I was constantly sacrificing myself in the relationship and had become so down on myself because he was always down on me. When he moved again, half-way across the world, I was able to say no thanks, let's part ways and live our separate lives.